Riserva Carlo Alberto

Riserva Carlo Alberto


The recipe for Riserva Carlo Alberto is the historical one for an aperitif wine served at the Savoy royal court in 1837 specially created by the great-great grandfather of the Baraccos, the family that still supplies the Erbaluce di Caluso and Moscato d’Asti DOG wines. The production of the Riserva Superiore category is the fruit not only of tradition and bonds with the local area but also the sourcing of ingredients and selection of herbs, berries, spices, flowers and fruit. The firm produces three different typologies of vermouth. Bianco, which won an international award in 2020, is characterized by hints of caramelized fruit with a bitterish, herby mid-palate thanks to a small percentage of chinchona bark. The bestseller is the Rosso, which offers hints of berry and citrus fruits and spice, with bitter notes of tree bark (tannins), cinnamon and cloves. The Extra-Dry has herbier tones with a strong note of saffron on the nose. on the nose. Forth mentioning is the award-winning blue bottle whose portico shape evokes the architecture of Turin.